Memory-Mark McNally

Name & Relation to Quinnie

Mark McNally, Nephew

Favorite Quinnie Memory or Story

When I think of Steve, so many wonderful memories run through my head. From that firm handshake when he greeted you, to that smile that lit up the room, to the “Hey Pal” or as he so affectionately called me “Markus”. I can’t even count the number of times he called me a “little prick”; but I do know it was less than the number of times he told me that he was proud of me or that he loved me.

My memories of Steve date back to when I was a child, but there was one memory that really stands out in my mind. Steve and I corresponded via e-mail on a daily basis. We mostly talked about stocks, and how one day he was going to be an “oil tycoon”. Those e-mails were always fun, but there are a few e-mails that stand out in my mind; those that he talked about his two favorite girls; Kathleen and Kaitlyn. There was one on the day of their wedding anniversary where Steve said that he was the luckiest guy in the world and that Kathleen was definitely going to heaven for dealing with him for all these years. In another e-mail, he was absolutely beaming with joy as he had just gone up to Stonehill one weekend to see Kaitlyn play in a rugby game. He mentioned that some girl did a cheap shot on Kaitlyn, so in return, Kaitlyn knocked the girl right on her butt, and the crowd was cheering “Quinnie, Quinnie”. He was so proud of his Kaitlyn, and that was just confirmation that she was just like her old man.

Favorite Quinnie Characteristic

Steve was always happy to see you (if he liked you), no matter what the occasion. He also had an uncanny ability to “hold court”, whereby people would just gather around him – and he just ate it up. The amazing thing about Steve was that he honestly and truly cared about those people in his life (that may sound cliché, but in regards to Steve, it was actually true).

Final Thoughts and Farewell

We were all blessed to have known Stephen D. Quinn for the time that he graced the Earth. To you Uncle Steve, I thank you for all that you gave me; your guidance, knowledge, support and love. I love you Pal.

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